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   Publishings from the Light

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To ensure a correct understanding of the Grail Message,
the author asks to read the lectures in the given order.
If not, gaps will make understanding impossible.




1. What seek ye?
2. Awake!
3. Silence
4. The ascent of the soul of man
5. Responsibility
6. Fate
7. The creation of man

8. Man
9. Original sin

10. The Son of God and the Son of Man

11. God
12. The inner voice
13. The religion of love
14. The redeemer
15. The mystery of birth
16. Is occult training advisable?
17. Spiritism
18. Earthbound
19. Is sexual continence necessary or advisable ?

20. The Day of Judgment
21. Conflict
22. Thought-forms
23. Morals
24. Watch and pray
25. Marriage

26. The claim of children on their parents
27. Prayer

28. The Lord's prayer
29. The true worship of God
30. The free will of man
31. Modern psychic science 
32. For wide is the gate and broad the way
that leadeth to destruction and many
there be that go in thereat
33. Idealists
34. Cast the blame of your guilt on Him
35. Hypnotism a crime
36. Astrology
37. Symbolism in the fate of man
38. Faith
39. Riches
40. Death
41. Departed this life
42. Miracles

43. Baptism
44. The Holy Grail
45. Lucifer
46. The regions of darkness and damnation
47. Regions of Light and Paradise
48. Cosmic evolution
49. The difference in the origin of man and beast
50. Science and man
51. Spirit
52. The process of development in Creation
53. I am the Lord Thy God
54. The immaculate conception and the birth of
the Son of God
55. The crucifixion and the Lord's supper
56. Come down from the cross
57. This is my body. This is my blood
58. The resurrection of Christ's physical body
59. Man proposes God disposes 
or The Law of Returns
60. The Son of Man
61. Errors
62. Generative power and its significance
for spiritual advancement
63. I am the resurrection and the life, 
no man cometh to the Father but by me
64. Why so many souls are kept back
from the Light
65. The call for a leader
66. Physical matter, ethereal matter, emanations, space and time
67. Clairvoyance misunderstood
68. Different aspects of clairvoyance
69. In the realm of demons and phantoms
70. Occult training, meat diet, vegetable diet

71. The treatment of disorders by magnetism
72. Live in the present!

73. The great Comet
74. What must a man do to enter into
the Kingdom of Heaven
75. Thou beholdest the mote that is in thy
brother's eye and considerest not the beam
that is in thine own eye
76. The battle of life in nature
77. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit
78. Sex
79. Is old age an obstacle to spiritual
80. Once upon a time
81. Father, forgive them for they know not
what they do
82. The gods, Olympus and Valhalla
83. Vocation
84. Man: his place in Creation
85. A thousand years are as one day
86. Intuition
87. The world-teacher
88. The stranger
89. A last word
90. Antichrist
91. What had been foretold came to pass

Appendix: the ten Commandments.

1. I am the Lord thy God! Thou shalt have no other gods but me!

2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain!

3. Thou shalt keep the Sabbath Day holy!

4. Thou shalt honor father and mother!

5. Thou shalt not kill!

6. Thou shalt not commit adultery!

7. Thou shalt not steal!

8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor!

9. Do not let thyself lust after thy neighbor's wife!

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, nor his farm, nor his cattle, nor anything that is his!

terms used in the Message of the Holy Grail.. 53


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